Monday, December 14, 2015

A Year Later...

This has been an interesting time of year as nearly every facebook "memory" that comes up has had to do with everything we went through with Marcella's pregnancy last year.  This was the time of year that we found out Brody would have dwarfism.

We went through such a whirlwind of emotions as we tried to mentally prepare ourselves for everything.  We didn't know what kind of dwarfism he had.  We didn't know if he would survive the birth.  We didn't know anything for certain.  We were hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.  All the while, we just had to keep going through life.  My practice still had to be ran, and Marcella still had patients that needed her.

Fast forward a year and it's incredible how things have changed.  Brody is the light of our lives and he has taught us more in the last year than we ever imagined.

Yes, he has dwarfism.
Yes, he has been in and out of the hospital more in his 10 months than either of us have in our entire lives.
Yes, he will have some physical issues to overcome for the rest of his life.

BUT, he is finding a way.  He is adapting.  We are adapting.  I think that is all you can do through life.  Life throws a punch and you can either take it, you can dodge it, or you can counter it with one of your own.  Brody is not only countering like a champ, but he's winning the fight.

If life lands a punch and knocks you down, you have two choices:  stay down, or get back up.  We've been knocked down a few times, but we keep getting up.  Sometimes, I have to pull Marcella back up.  Sometimes, she has to pull me back up.  Sometimes YOU ALL pull us back up.  But we get back up.

So keep getting back up.  Keep the fight going.  Throw a few punches of your own.  Lean on your spouse, friends & family when you need to, and help pick someone up when they are down.  If you need someone to help, contact us.  We are happy to help in any way that we can.

Thank you for all of your support throughout the past year.  We, and Brody, appreciate it!

Merry Christmas, and may God bless all of you!